Material Differences and Target Audiences of Natural Horn Combs

I. Core Material Variants of Horn Combs

Yellow Cattle Horn Combs

  • Thermal Property: Warm-natured, ideal for individuals with cold constitution 
  • Key Benefits: Alleviates chronic headaches and scalp tension through gentle heat dispersion .

White Water Buffalo Horn Combs

  • Thermal Property: Cool-natured, suitable for heat-sensitive users prone to scalp inflammation or excessive oiliness .
  • Key Benefits: Provides anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, balancing scalp pH.

II. Usage Scenarios and Complementary Practices

Daily Hair Care

  • Dry Hair Application: Minimizes static electricity while distributing natural scalp oils for enhanced shine.
  • Wet Hair Precautions: Promptly wipe dry after use to prevent moisture-induced warping .

Wellness Integration

  • Gua Sha Therapy: Utilize comb backs for neck/shoulder lymphatic drainage, enhancing circulation .
  • Aromatherapy Synergy: Amplify relaxation by combining with mugwort essential oil during scalp massage
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